The Positive Voice

E53: The danger of Rushing Your Success

January 29, 2024 Coach Chef Kimberly Houston Episode 53

Ever felt the siren call of quick fixes whispering that your goals are just a shortcut away? We've all been tempted by the allure of 'microwave success,' the kind that promises rapid results without the hard work. But as you'll soon find out, the true flavor of accomplishment comes from a slow and steady simmer. I'm Coach EF Kim, and in this episode, I'm spilling the beans on why shortcuts can leave your dreams undercooked and how a commitment to the full journey can result in the most satisfying feast of success.

But what happens when life slams the oven door, and you're left picking up the pieces? I get it—I've been there, dusting flour off my apron after my bakery closed and wrapping an injured knee, wondering what's next. Through personal tales of setbacks and reinvention, we'll unearth the resilience that's baked into every challenge. You'll hear how the very act of speaking dreams aloud can set the wheels of manifestation in motion, even if your bank account seems to laugh at the idea. It's a conversation about faith, persistence, and how adversity can unexpectedly lead you to the most fulfilling chapters of your life.

Lastly, let's talk strategy—because dreams without a plan are just wishes. Peek behind the curtain of my 90-day coaching program, where I mix the secret ingredients of group synergy and individual dedication to whip up breakthroughs for my clients. We'll explore how timing, trust, and a sprinkle of magic can transform aspirations into tangible achievements. So, if you're ready to trade in the microwave for the slow cooker and savor the richness of personal growth, this is one episode you won't want to miss. Let's embark on this collective journey, stirring patience, self-love, and strategic action into the pot of success.

Welcome to The Positive Voice, a feel-good podcast designed to inspire and uplift through heartfelt conversations and the power of positivity! Hosted by transformational life coach and hope dealer, Kimberly Houston, where we delve into personal growth, wellness, and the beauty of overcoming life's challenges.

Join our creative and supportive community as we laugh, learn, and grow together on this life-changing journey. Subscribe to The Positive Voice and let's spread the joy, one conversation at a time!

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Speaker 1:

Hey friends, welcome back to another episode of the Positive Voice podcast. I am your host, coach EF Kim, and I am so honored, so grateful and so blessed that you have chosen to spend this time with me. There is something that has been sitting, tap, dancing, torquing on my chest, on my nerve, however you want to call it, and it's something I want to bring to the podcast. It's something I feel like we need to address as a society as a whole, and it is the idea that we can reach wherever our destinations may be in life without taking the journey. One of the things that I find to be true as a coach is that so many people are looking for the shortcut. They are looking for ways to obtain a certain status, a certain level of healing, a certain amount of money in their bank accounts without doing the work, and on the flip side to that, at the same time, there are people who are in a season of holding. Now, these are two different concepts I want to bring to the floor today, so let's start with the first one.

Speaker 1:

People who want to what I call microwave their success don't necessarily understand how this works, so hopefully this analogy will bring this to the forefront for you. You know how. There are moments where you take something and you put it in the microwave and the outside of it is hot. You see steam coming off of it, and so your mind's eye tells you that this food is hot, this food is ready. If you simply go by appearance and you take your plate of food, you go, sit down, you make yourself comfortable because you have placed this meal into the microwave and now it is ready in a minute or so, and as soon as you cut into it and take a bite, it's still cold on the inside.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people are attempting to microwave their success. So what this means is that you have the appearance of being fully cooked, you have the appearance of being well done, you have the appearance of being well put together, you follow the right people, you hang out in the right group of friends, you found the mentors, you've done the things that should bring you the desired outcome that you are requesting, but you haven't been in it long enough to understand that appearances can be deceiving, and so, when you go to bite that food, while the outside of it is indeed piping hot, the inside of it is still cold and, in my opinion, even worse. The inside is still lukewarm, and let me tell you why. I feel like the lukewarm bite is worse than the cold one. At least, with the cold one, I know to get up and go put it back in there because it needs a little bit more heat. See, the problem with the lukewarm is that sometimes we make the decision that it's not going to be worth the hassle and worth the trouble of walking back to the microwave to give it just a little bit more time in the fire in order for it to be the temperature that we would actually prefer. Instead, we will simply settle for the lukewarm. If it fills your appetite, you will no longer be hungry. It's not annoying enough that it's so cold that you needed to get up and go put it back in, but you've settled for just lukewarm food.

Speaker 1:

The problem with settling with the lukewarm plate of food is that you know you're so close to having the thing you actually want. You've done the work, love. You left it in there, but you took it out just a couple of seconds too soon. And that is what happens with a lot of people when they're on their journeys is that you hit the lukewarm spot instead of popping it back in there, giving it a couple of seconds more heat, and then you can actually enjoy the meal without settling. You can enjoy the meal without all these thoughts in your head. Should I actually just go back over there and warm this up? Is it really worth the hassle of me having to get up to go warm this up? I don't really feel like getting up to go warm this up. I've done enough. This is fine, this is cool. But you know you know, beloved that if you just gotten up and popped it back in for another 15 seconds, it would have been absolutely perfect.

Speaker 1:

And see, this is where we mess up. This is this is the phase where we mess up. See the cold interior, red flags, very big alarms, very big alerts. You need to go do something different in the cooking process. Maybe you need to go cut the piece of meat open. Maybe you need to go stir the food up a little bit and then pop it back into the microwave. Right, it signals to your brain that there's more work to be done, but the danger of the lukewarm plate is that you could do without. You can talk yourself out of finishing the course. You can talk yourself out of having the most enjoyable bite versus one that will just satisfy your appetite.

Speaker 1:

Here's what I need you to understand. I've reached a place in my life where lukewarm food is no longer okay. Settling for a piece of success as opposed to going all the way and having all the things that I've ever attempted to manifest in my life. That is the course that I am on right now, and there are so many people who are trying to microwave their way to success without one putting in the work and two staying the course. Now, a second ago, I said there was a second part to this right those who are in a holding pattern, so let's dig into this one. There are people who have done the work. There are people who have taken the plate out in the microwave too early and realized that, nope, it's still cold in the center. It needs to go back in. You've cut it up, you've manipulated the things that were on the plate in a way that will allow it to heat in the way that you would like to eat it, and maybe it's too hot, maybe it's a little too warm for you to actually be able to sit down and enjoy it. It's quite simply like the idea that if you go to a restaurant and other people around you get their chicken fingers and their french fries faster than you do, but the steak is taken a little bit longer. And you and your feelings, you don't understand why. It's because the thing that is being prepared for you takes longer to prepare.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you may have started this race with a group of friends. Yes, you may have been at this table with a whole lot of people who, the more you go through the motions, the more you realize these people are not safe. The more work you do, the more they discourage you. The more work you do, the more you realize that you have been settling for lukewarm friendships for the majority of your life. The more work you do, the more you realize that you have been settling for relationships that look hot on the outside and have zero subsidence on the inside, because not only is it cold but, baby, it might still be a little frozen on the inside it's not even cooked, but on the outside it looks like it is. You realize that as you have been moving through your life, you have been settling for the bare minimum. And as you make the decision to finally put all of your trust in yourself, to do the work, to hire the life coach, to read the books, to start building the habits that will change who you are fundamentally. At your core, you're like coach, I'm doing all the work but I don't see anything happening. Baby, listen, there are moments where you're gonna have to wait. There are moments where you go too hard in the paint. Those people who are overachievers, those people who are workaholics, those people who wanna hustle and grind it out out.

Speaker 1:

Sleep when I'm dead. See, the problem with that is is that beloved? That's your eternal rest, the idea that you should be on this here, beautiful planet, and never enjoy it. And you have the audacity to speak from the depths of your soul, out of your belly, out of your mouth. You have the audacity to say I'll sleep when I'm dead. You know what that signals to me. It signals to me you have no boundaries. It signals to me you don't know what peace is. It signals to me you have no joy, my friend, because, see, those of us who understand that you got one life, all right, when you take that last breath, all of the sugar kuddle wooders mean absolutely nothing, all of those things that you wish you would have done while you were out here, hustling and grinding and completely ignoring properly raising your children, completely ignoring developing and nurturing relationships with those people who you have chosen to have in your life. See, when you decide you're going hustle and grind it and sleep when you're dead, friends, that's not a way to live. That is not living life. That is you being a slave to yourself.

Speaker 1:

And so, while it sounds good, in this whole hustle culture that we live in, to say that you want to hustle and grind, that you'll sleep when you're dead, that every single thing you're doing is for the dopamine hit, that you're doing all of this stuff. You work in 12 and 14, 16 hour days and life is passing you by. I want you to understand that there are people who have healed the necessity to be busy. There are people who have healed beyond the idea that my self-worth comes out of whatever it is I am producing. There are people who sleep eight to 10 hours a night because they understand that resting while living is going to be far better than waiting to sleep until they're dead.

Speaker 1:

When you're in a holding pattern and you've done the things and things aren't happening as quickly as you want them to, I want you to be encouraged. I want you to remember that faith is one of those things that requires you to use your imagination a little bit. I understand that in Christianity, you know the text we have a. There's a couple right. One faith without work is dead. Totally agree with that. But then also, faith is the evidence of things hoped for, not the evidence of things you have seen. Now listen to me. If you know you are destined to be a millionaire and you got 99 cents in the bank, baby, the amount of faith you must have to not let that dream go is exponential. You must believe that you can do the thing without seeing the evidence of it. It means that you have to keep going in order to get to what it is you are manifesting. It means that even when you can't see it, even when it doesn't make sense, you don't give up. It means that when you're in the holding pattern, you have to understand that it's all going to work out for your good.

Speaker 1:

When we look at the trajectory of our lived experiences, one of the things that I am most fascinated by is the idea that people feel that if they have a million followers and $10 in the bank, they are loved. It is the idea that being in the, in the crowd, makes you more successful than being someone behind the scenes. If the last four years of my life have taught me absolutely nothing, it has taught me this you don't have to be in the spotlight to change lives. You don't have to be the one on the stage to make an impact. I was looking at multiple post-it notes that I had written. I was declaring and speaking things over my life back in 2019, beginning of 2020. These post-it notes might have been created at the top of the pandemic, I'm not really sure, but somewhere in 2019, 2020, I still have these post-it notes. When we moved, I put them on a board, on a cork board, and I have them all up there because I was speaking those things into my life, speaking them into existence, and until they happen, they can't come down. This morning, when I walked out of the bathroom, I happened to glance over at them. It's just something that kind of melts into the wall for me at this point, never really paid any attention. Today I stopped and today I began to read.

Speaker 1:

A past version of me manifested, the version of me that has this podcast. A past version of me who had no audience, who had to close her bakery, who had built for 10 years an incredible brand that was well known by celebrities in Atlanta and other places. Having opportunity after opportunity where I said no to the food network. Having an opportunity to work with children who were going on to the food network. Having an opportunity to have a literal pipeline, where they reached out to me and let me know when there were new kids baking shows happening and asked me if I knew children who would be a good fit to have the opportunity to be a judge myself for a kids' baking battle. To be in places of authority and position, where I was a leading person within the sweets industry that was known for inspiring the next generation. That version of me, when I was injured, thanksgiving Day of 2020 went away and I spent many, many years suffering an identity crisis because I was Chef Kimi Hu. And how do you show up in the world when everything you've worked for literally goes away in an instant? This is why I need y'all to understand. From August of 2020 to April of 2021.

Speaker 1:

So many things happened to me. So many things happened that probably would have broken another person. My separation was final. I turned 40 in the middle of a pandemic. I lost the strength in my shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers all of that. I could not. I did not have the ability to dress myself. I could not turn doorknobs. I spent seven months in physical therapy. I got divorced and I sent my oldest child away to college prior to there being a vaccine for COVID-19. All of that would have broken someone else who did not understand that life isn't happening to you. You are co-creating it with the universe. And here is what I can tell you on the other side of it If I had not experienced all those things, the positive voice podcast would not be here.

Speaker 1:

If I had not experienced all of those things, I would have never published the three books that I've published since and the fourth is on the way. If all of those things had not happened, I would not be speaking at conferences and be on stages inspiring thousands of women. I need y'all to understand that one of those posted notes over there on my wall says you will speak on stages and inspire thousands of women. That's what the posted note says. Friends, I wrote that back in 2020. I wrote that before the invitations to tell my story on stages, to inspire people to not give up after they experience something difficult in life. I wrote that without knowing that that was the trajectory of the plan. If I had simply looked at all of those things I wrote out and was declaring and decreeing over myself and over my children four years ago, if I could only have just taken a peek into what was going to happen, I can promise you I would have wanted to jump to the end result and not have to go through.

Speaker 1:

When I was in therapy, my therapist was like so you understand that the shortest way to get to your destination is through. You can go all around if you want to, but at the end of the day you still got to go through all the things you don't want to face. You've still got to heal parts of you that stopped growing when they hurt you. You have to heal the versions of you that wake you up in your sleep and make you feel anxiety because they are unsafe. You still have to heal the parts of you that do not trust yourself when it comes to making decisions in relationships, because you've worn your vulnerability on your sleeve and people have taken advantage of it. You've got to understand the balance between what is too much and what is not enough.

Speaker 1:

You have to understand, beloved, that there is not another person on the face of this earth who can heal you. You've got to do the work. You are the one who has to rescue you. You are the one who has to take the medicine in order to feel better. You can go see a doctor and they can analyze your symptoms and they can tell you all these things, but, baby, at the end of the day, they are still going to tell you here's the medication. Make sure you take it at this time, that time, get plenty of fluids inside of your body and rest.

Speaker 1:

So for those of you who love to say I'm a hustle and grind it out and sleep when I'm dead, you can run yourself into an early grave. You want to know how? I know? Very simple Think about every time you run up into the doctor's office and you don't feel well. They tell you to go lay your ass down and rest. They tell you that the symptoms you are feeling are from the amount of high stress in your body.

Speaker 1:

One of the advantages that I have as a PhD student is having access to medical journals where I can read case after case after case where doctors cannot diagnose things that are happening inside of the body, and it's quite simply all related to stress, and the only answer they have is drink more water, eat better, exercise and rest. See, a healthy lifestyle includes all of those things. If you drink your water, you have no choice but to mind your business, because you'll be being all day. That's number one. Number two if you actually exercise and get up and move your body in the way that it deserves, the way that it needs, the way that it yearns for, that in itself is going to help you sleep better. I want you to start studying people who have already done what you want to do. I don't know why we feel like we need to reinvent the wheel or why we can come up with some new way to do something. Friends, somebody else has probably already done it, and if they have it, then you need to be documenting your progress so that other people will be able to replicate.

Speaker 1:

Gatekeeping is of the devil, and I said what I said I'm not going to gatekeep. You want to know something? Ask me. All right, now, some things might require a price. That's not gatekeeping, that's business. There's a difference. All right, moving on, if there are things that you want to do right.

Speaker 1:

Let's say you want to be a New York Times best-selling author. That's one of the things over there on my on my posted note. You have to understand how to do that. Okay, it's not just about writing a book, it's not. It is not not at all. It's not just about writing the book.

Speaker 1:

The New York's Time bestselling piece is an equation, it's a formula. There are things that must happen within the first week of your book being released that will give you the title of a New York's Time bestselling author. Have you ever wondered why the people are giving you four or five, six months to pre-order your book? Your pre-order sale does not count until the book release date. So they've got months to pre-sell a book that has not been released and then, on the day of release, all of those pre-sales go through. All of those pre-sales go through.

Speaker 1:

There's an equation, there's a formula. This is scientific. It is not something that is just out here in the air where you're just like, okay, I'm gonna be a New York's Time bestselling author. Yes, you will, if you understand the formula. Now, how did I learn this? I told somebody one of my dreams and he said well, here's the formula on how to do that. What else do you want to do? And I went what? I had absolutely no idea that there was a formula. And when you understand the formula, you know what to do with yourself in order to be able to back things up and go okay, I need to do this, this, this, this and this in order to pre-sell all these books so that when we release it, it's going to be a New York's Time bestselling book. All right, while there are things you can manifest, um, friend, the faith without work is dead. Yes, you can manifest millions of dollars, you can be open to unexpected gifts from the universe, but if you're just sitting around on your couch, that's not how this works. You must still do the work.

Speaker 1:

I have multiple streams of income, um, multiple streams of income, and this year I made a decision that I wanted to turn the volume up. I wanted to turn the heat up on the opportunity for my multiple streams of income to bring in more income. Does that mean I'm going to work harder? No, it means I changed my strategy. It means that, while I'm an incredible coach, the way that I was coaching previously wasn't serving me in a way that felt good, and so I took a couple of months off. I took three months off. I hired a coach.

Speaker 1:

I had a conversation with somebody else who does this and said help me, I want to do this. I know I'm qualified to do it. I know this is honestly, this is my service, this, this coaching, is my ministry. Right, I know this is something I was destined to do on this earth, but it doesn't feel good when I do it and I need your help. And so you know, within a couple of sessions, we had figured it out. It wasn't that he laid out a plan for me is that he showed me another way to do it. Once he showed me another way to do it, I took that idea and went okay, let me make it my own. And I did it, and I landed upon something that not only serves me but serves the people that I am currently coaching. So let me fill you in on this little idea, this little quick short story.

Speaker 1:

So when I had the idea to do a 90 day coaching program, it was for two reasons, and I'm going to be real honest with you. The first reason was so that if it didn't work out, I had an out. Do I think that you should set up your business in that way? Absolutely not. Was that me having a moment of lack mindset? 100%, I accept that. I acknowledged that about myself and I'm doing the work around it, right? Well, actually I've done the work around it because I was like, well, if it doesn't work, then I'm only committed for 90 days. I can show up for 90 days and not be burned out. That's fine. We are headed into week three of this 90 day coaching program, this 12 week coaching program, and I have already scheduled the next two cohorts. And I'm going to tell you why.

Speaker 1:

Setting it up in 90 day burst it's short enough for people to commit, but long enough to make real change. Not only does it require all of my clients to rise to the occasion, it forces me, as a coach, to step it up. I was told not to do group coaching and one on one coaching, but it did not sit well with me that I would coach to the group and not actually make a difference in the individual's lives. This is not. You know. I talked to other coaches and they were like you can't scale that. You know, you're putting too much of yourself in it. You're not going to make money like that. Oh, let's put a pen in that piece. Here's what I can tell you.

Speaker 1:

Not only did people pay my price, more people signed up than I expected. Now I had a goal, and then I had a stretch goal. That first week of sales. It did not look like it was going to happen, but I also knew from marketing that more people will sign up on the last day than the entire two week run. And that is exactly what happened. More people signed up on the last day than the entire two weeks that we had going right, boom, okay. So I understand this Part of me did not want to do those two weeks, but I learned a valuable lesson in doing the two weeks.

Speaker 1:

That will change cohort to cohort. Twos first two weeks will look very different than the current cohort, because I've learned some things right. I have had an opportunity to refine what is happening. I'm not changing the structure. I'm just changing when people set up their one on ones with me. People need to meet me on a one on one basis before they meet the group For the first go around. The group met first and then we did one on ones, but the real magic is happening inside of the one on ones, and so I made the decision. Well, if I do the one on ones first, by the time we have the first group session, everybody will trust the experience more and I think we'll be a little bit more impactful.

Speaker 1:

I'm not changing the curriculum, but I do think people will be a little less afraid of the unknown. That's the best way I can put that. But here's what I've discovered when you reach a point in your life where you want more, where reading the books or hiring all the coaches, seeking counseling, the praying, the fasting, the waiting, when you feel like you've run out of options, and then you encounter me in a 90 day emergence process where I'm not speaking to the group yes, I do group coaching, but I want to see your heart. I want to know who you are and I want you to know who you are. We spend time in the self-discovery phase because there are so many people who have absolutely no idea who they are. You can't get to where you're going If you don't know where you are, where you've been. It's a journey and while it's only a 90 day coaching program, that's still 90 days of work. I want you to think about this If you were to change your eating habits for 90 days.

Speaker 1:

If you were to work out for 90 days, if you were to drink more water for 90 days, your physical body would change. If you had accountability for 90 days, it would teach you the process long enough that at the end of the 90 days, you could carry on without the accountability partner, without wanting to go back. Your physique would look different after 90 days and at that point you'll be like I'm never going back, right? Imagine doing that mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Imagine putting in 90 days to learn new techniques and new tools and new ways to view yourself and new ways to change your thoughts, new ways to develop new habits, new ways to show up in the world differently. Imagine being able to do that and having a community of people who are all in it together. It's like boot camp. Think about it 90 day, like army style boot camp. You're going to bond over the fact that everybody is giving their all right now. There is not one person who is just over there sitting down in the corner. Nope, we all on the mat.

Speaker 1:

That is what coaching with me for 90 days looks like, and if you had asked me a month ago if I thought it would be this. I don't want to say impactful, I knew it would be impactful If I thought it would be this magical. I can tell you 100% the answer is no. But what I do know is that when you operate in your purpose and when you are in full and direct alignment, the universe will show up in unexpected ways and absolutely blow your mind. I needed to do the work to develop the strategy. I did my part right. Faith without work is dead. I did my part. I showed up. I developed the curriculum, even in the development of the curriculum. When I say things like that, people just kind of look at me. I have a master's degree in education and instructional design. I quite literally have a master's degree in developing curriculum.

Speaker 1:

When I think about all the things that led me to this point, I would have never imagined that this is what it would have been, and I'm so glad I didn't know. I'm so glad I didn't give up. I'm so glad that I understood that, while it was painful, while it was hurtful to have to dig up the things that happened to me in my childhood, while I had to examine relationships with people who I trusted with my whole heart when they literally abandoned me in my time of need and told me I should have kept my mouth shut when I had to go through that process. It allowed me to understand that I will never put another human on a pedestal, that we all have our flaws. It allowed me to look at myself and examine where have I been available for chaos? Where have I caused chaos in other people's lives? And I have accepted accountability for places and people and experiences where I know that I was not in the right frame of mind to handle whatever that person was trying to give me right?

Speaker 1:

And one of the things that I'm discovering is that we're so desperate for help. We're hurting so much that we're going to the wrong places to be healed. We're going to the wrong places to be healed. Y'all do realize that just because you go to the hospital doesn't mean you will be healed. You realize that there is sickness and disease inside of hospitals. You realize that there are students who are practicing medicine in hospitals. You realize that you can still be misdiagnosed and under treated in a hospital. We are so desperate to be healed that, instead of understanding that everything you need to make it to the next phase of your life is already inside of you. We seek out other opportunities that should help us, and they may not. You understand you can heal your body from the earth. You understand that if you reconnect with your soul, that you can heal yourself right.

Speaker 1:

There is an opportunity for us to show up differently in this world in this year of 2024. There is an opportunity for you to let go of the BS, for you to stop trying to microwave your success, for you to stop trying to find the shortcut that's going to blow up your bank account, for you to understand that if you sit down long enough and pay attention, you will learn why you're out of alignment. You will learn why the money isn't coming. You will learn why people run all over you and mistreat you and misuse you. You will learn all those things when you begin to actually look at yourself in the mirror and discover who are you Friends. Life doesn't happen to us. We co-create it. I'm a firm believer in that one. We absolutely co-create our lives.

Speaker 1:

When all hell is breaking loose, I want you to ask this question instead of saying why me? I want you to say where was I available for this chaos? Where was I open to this chaos? Is it in the friends that I keep? Is it in the relationship that died three years ago that I refused to leave because it's safe here? Is it in the fact that you have a friend group that, while they may be good people, they are not safe people? Is it wrapped up in the fact that you are longing so much to heal your inner child that, as an adult, you're acting out and using the excuse that I can do what I want to do because I'm grown, as opposed to actually doing the work to comfort that younger version of you that is throwing a tantrum and trying to get out.

Speaker 1:

You have an opportunity to change your life, to change your thought process, to change your thinking. You have an opportunity to show up very, very differently than you ever have, and even if no one has ever shown you how, it doesn't mean you can't learn a new way. You're tired of hustling and grinding and running through a capitalistic society that wants nothing more than for you to run yourself ragged and into the ground, where that whole out sleep when I'm dead happens 25 years earlier than it should because you didn't take care of yourself. Friend, you have an opportunity to change your life. You have an opportunity to slow down, to take a walk, to take a deep breath, to understand that the whole reason we tell you to take a deep breath is so that you can reconnect with yourself.

Speaker 1:

So many people tell me how can I show up authentically? That's the question I get asked the most. How can I show up authentically? You must first know who you are, and in order to know who you are, you must reconnect with who you are. And it also requires radical acceptance and radical forgiveness. But that will be a different podcast episode.

Speaker 1:

What I can tell you this is take a deep breath, understand that you do not always have to live your life on the go Sometimes. Sometimes your success will take just a little bit longer than the people around you. Sometimes your meal takes longer to prepare. Sometimes microwaving the food gives it one appearance and it tastes very differently. Friends, I want us all to show up better in life. I want us all to understand that we can be successful and we get to define what that looks like in our lives.

Speaker 1:

Take a little bit of time today to love on yourself, to take a few deep breaths and to really think about the you that will exist in five years. Who are they, who have they inspired and what are they accomplishing? And then work your way backwards, setting up a plan on how to get there, because, as I discovered this morning walking out of the bathroom, the woman I was four years ago manifested the woman that I became, but there was no journey, there was no map into what that would look like, and, even though I have been through my fair share of heartbreak, emotional turmoil, spiritual reckoning and, honestly, a recalibration that I don't even know how to describe, nothing about the process would I change. Not one bit of it, because all of it led us to this episode of the Positive Voice podcast. Until next time, friends, stay sweet and I'm sending you love and light.

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