The Positive Voice

E56: Divine Inspiration in Entrepreneurship

February 11, 2024 Coach Chef Kimberly Houston Episode 56

Embarking on a quest for success can often leave us feeling lost, but imagine uncovering a map that aligns with your soul's true north. That’s exactly what I, Coach Chef Kim, have done and I’m eager to guide you through the transformation from conventional business tactics to a spiritually attuned entrepreneurial approach. As I peel back the layers of my own story, you’ll see how stepping away from traditional teachings and honoring my spiritual calling has been a game-changer in self-healing and business innovation. This episode is a beacon for anyone who’s ever felt the stir of divine inspiration but has been unsure how to follow it.

You're invited to sit at the table where passion is served as the main course, and purpose is more than just a garnish. Here, I share the secret ingredients that have seasoned my journey: from a spontaneous enrollment in culinary school to the creation of a thriving coaching program. I'll also sprinkle in cautionary tales of perfectionism and the distractions of 'shiny object syndrome' that can lead entrepreneurs astray. This candid conversation goes beyond the traditional business playbook, focusing on crafting a venture that resonates with your spirit and connects with your audience on a deeper level. Join me as we explore the essence of soulful entrepreneurship and the power of running your business as your highest self, in harmony with the universe.

Welcome to The Positive Voice, a feel-good podcast designed to inspire and uplift through heartfelt conversations and the power of positivity! Hosted by transformational life coach and hope dealer, Kimberly Houston, where we delve into personal growth, wellness, and the beauty of overcoming life's challenges.

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Speaker 1:

Hey friends, welcome back to another episode of the positive voice podcast. I am your host coach, chef Kim, so excited, so glad, so blessed that you guys are here to hang out with me today. So today I was debating on if I was going to do this episode or not. So let me tell you it's been on my heart For the past few months. I have really begun to tap into my spiritual gifts and that has been an interesting journey, so alright.

Speaker 1:

So a lot of people, particularly if you grew up in a church right, you are familiar with spiritual gifts. You are familiar with people who have the gift of prophecy, or you know that's probably the biggest one that people would have in the churches. You know people can see things. You know as soon as you walk in front of them, whatever. So once I deconstructed from the church back in 2020, things started to happen. Things started to shift a lot Because I was no longer confined to what I was taught in Christianity and I began to just be curious about spirituality and what that looks like and how I wanted my journey to look as I discovered more about myself, more about the universe, more about the world I never really settled on, you know, like I'm leaving Christianity and going towards something else.

Speaker 1:

That's not what this is. It's not what this is about. What ended up happening was I tapped into a higher level of self, and what that has allowed me to do is heal, and heal in a way that I did not know was necessary. So let me explain to you why these things are coming together. I went ahead and made a decision on how I wanted to run my corporation, how I wanted to run my business, and so when I was writing it out, when I wrote down what our new motto is going to be I'm not quite ready to release it just yet, till we get everything finalized but when I wrote out what it was, it highlighted the fact that I no longer believe you can be an effective entrepreneur and that not be a part of who you are. So I'm not saying that your business becomes your identity. I'm saying that you, as your highest level self, as an entrepreneur, that person runs the business. You co-create your business with the universe. Now I'm using the term universe. You use God, jesus, angel, source, spirit, whatever you want. Okay, insert your belief here.

Speaker 1:

So once I decided to go through this process and I was really, really thinking things through. In the past episode I talked about how Tap of the Brown did an interview. In the interview she said that there's a difference between dreams and goals, and a goal is something you create for yourself. A dream is something that is divinely imparted into you. And one of the things that I started thinking about when she said that. And then I saw another clip of that same video where she talks about having the gift of seeing and how she is a seer. She can see in the ancestral realm and the spiritual realm, other things that other people cannot see, and I've known my daughter's entire life that they are a seer In Weatherope Most times went awake.

Speaker 1:

I am not a seer when awake, but I am in dreams, so I have always been able to take inspired action after dreaming something. So I went to culinary school because I had a dream one night that I was in a LeCordon Bleu commercial. I woke up the next day, called the school, went and took the entrance exam and quite literally, enrolled in culinary school less than 24 hours after having this dream. Um, that's not the first time, and it definitely wasn't the last time that I had a dream about something and then I just went and made it happen, right? So one of the things that people want to know is how do you know when, whatever it is you're experiencing, whether or not it's your voice it's you telling yourself you want to do something, or if this is something divinely imparted? And the easiest way I can tell you to know the difference between the two is if it's something you think of, if you don't write it down immediately, you might forget it. If it is a divine impartation, it won't.

Speaker 1:

Let you rest Me having a dream that I saw myself in a LeCordon Bleu commercial, getting up, going the next day, taking the test, passing the exam and enroll in culinary school. That doesn't make sense to a lot of people, right? I think the other thing with that is when you know it's a divine impartation is that there are no obstacles. There were zero obstacles to me getting into culinary school when I launched my latest coaching program.

Speaker 1:

Same thing happened In December. I hired a coach and in our first session I told him I didn't know if I had actually been called to coaching or if it was just something that I thought I should be doing. And he was like, well, how are you going to figure it out and I was like, well, that's why we're having this conversation, so I need you to tell me what are the things I should be doing realistically to grow this coaching practice, to grow this business, to kind of be on the lookout. And so we just had, you know, a wonderful conversation about it and less than a month later I had launched a new program with 20 people signed up for it and the plan for it. I was like, well, the plan for it came to me in my sleep. I saw the butterfly. I knew it was going to be emergence coaching and I knew the journey I was going to take the people on, because I had a dream about it.

Speaker 1:

And I got up, I typed it all out. I told one other person about it in everywhere that there was a blind spot, everywhere. I wasn't quite really sure. Everywhere I was just like I don't know how to make this come to life in the way that I saw it. She did so even in those moments where I was 100% positive. This is what we were supposed to be doing. But it was a little blurry for me, a little fuzzy, a little hazy. I couldn't figure out how exactly to make it happen.

Speaker 1:

There was another person, completely unrelated to me my story, my background who knew how to fill in the gap when you have been called to do something. It will not let you rest, it will not let you sleep. Now I don't mean that it's tormenting you. What I mean is you think about it a lot. It might even feel a little obsessive. You think about it in a way that feels a little bit unconventional. You think about things in a way that things have never been done and you're just like, well, that doesn't make any sense. But the reality is that not only does it make sense, you are divinely and uniquely ordained to bring it forth.

Speaker 1:

When you are in entrepreneurship, when you have the gift of creativity to be an entrepreneur and not someone who takes their hobby, it makes money from it. Because there is a difference when you have been called and assigned to a particular field, when you are assigned to a particular population of people whose destiny is attached to your willingness to do the work to bring forth this business. That's real different. That's a different level of entrepreneurship. It's not all about what makes the most sense sometimes. Sometimes it's about the fact that whatever it is you're doing has never been done and it's your job to do it make the blueprint and leave a trail for others to follow when what you're doing has never existed. You can't follow the gurus, you can't read a book and come up with a solution. You must simply flow with inspired action, and so one of the things that I am seeing an exponential and expansive growth in is my ability to bring other people from their place of being stuck into their place of productivity.

Speaker 1:

I have a gift of being able to have conversations with people and I'll say things, and whatever it was that I said fundamentally changes how they show up in life. I'm not calling myself a prophet. I'm not saying that. That is the gift. The gift that I do know I have is number one the gift of discernment. I know when something is good and when it is not, but I also know and understand that having access to me is a privilege. I understand that, as an emergence coach, it is my divine right to be able to be a blessing to entrepreneurs who have been called to do something and they just simply don't know how to answer the call. I take pride in walking with people on their journey. I have done enough soul work to understand that my destiny, my legacy, is tied into influencing thousands, hundreds of thousands and, dare I say, millions of people globally. I'm very aware that my voice has impact and that the things that I say literally move mountains.

Speaker 1:

One of the things that grieves me is that there are so many gurus who tell entrepreneurs that they have a good idea that they should do this thing or that thing, because it's a good idea that they should do this thing or that thing because it will be profitable, but they never took the time to get to know who that person was. Just because it will be profitable doesn't mean it will be for you. If you have been called to do something bigger than chasing money, you need to work with someone who was going to see past that and help you develop your own and help you develop an abundance mindset where you're not chasing money but you were quite literally living your life on purpose. Living your life on purpose and having a six figure business are not the same thing. You can quite literally create kindergarten printables and make six figures. I know a whole lot of people who do that. Some may be educators who love what they do. Others are creatives who have a gift for technology, a gift for being able to be imaginative and pull things together. And then there are some who create these things from the depths of their soul. It's unique and it's special and it's created for a particular population of people, which allows them to stand out from the rest, because they understand and they know they are working in a divine order.

Speaker 1:

Running a business and hating it is by far the worst thing you could do, in my opinion, because why are you your own boss and you hate yourself? Nothing about that will ever make sense to me. And if you're going to spend time with yourself because being an entrepreneur can be lonely, so if you're going to make a decision to spend the bulk of your time by yourself, with yourself, I at least want you to like yourself. So if you're an entrepreneur and you're listening to this podcast, if you find yourself stuck, if you find yourself having difficulty moving forward and doing something different, if you can't figure, if you have a step by step process, a blueprint or a path and you still can't bring yourself to execute, I want you to stop and ask yourself am I doing what I have been called to do, or am I doing this as another way to ignore the thing that I know I'm supposed to be doing and I'm going to go do this thing over here so it can make me some money, so then I can go back and spend the block and do that other thing that I know I've been called to do. The problem with that is is when you have been divinely created to bring something forth in the world.

Speaker 1:

Your attempt to make money another way in order to be able to afford this thing you don't believe in will not work If you cannot stay focused. If you cannot I'm trading lightly here If you have difficulty staying focused on the task at hand or you have shiny object syndrome. I want you to know something that is, you sabotaging yourself, because perfectionism is an excuse for you to not do the thing. Making sure is 100% correct is what will keep you broke. You have to understand that sometimes you're in business just to be in business. Sometimes it's a hobby that you decided to make money from, and then other times it's your destiny. So my question for you today is which one is for you?

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