The Positive Voice

E55: VC Rewind: How I got into Coaching in the First Place

February 07, 2024 Coach Chef Kimberly Houston Episode 55

As the sun dipped below the Miami skyline, a profound realization washed over me in 2021. Join me on this personal voyage of transformation where I uncovered the next chapter of my career, not by seeking new horizons, but by embracing the essence of who I truly am. In the pulse of this episode, we traverse the landscape of self-discovery, from the significant career pivot inspired by a simple trip with my daughter, to the magnetic pull towards further education and the bravery required to step into the light. I share how I came to understand that while my voice may not echo in every hall, for those attuned to its timbre, I must speak up with unabashed confidence.

Wrapping up this heart-to-heart, I send out waves of weekend bliss and encourage you to forge connections across the tendrils of social media. Before I transition from Chef Kimmy Hoop to Coach Kim, I invite you to continue this journey with me—whether it's a comment, a like, or a follow, your engagement means the world. As we part for now, remember that every step taken is a step further from where you were, and closer to where you’re meant to be. Stay tuned for our forthcoming episode, where passion and purpose are not just topics, but the very fuel that drives us.

Welcome to The Positive Voice, a feel-good podcast designed to inspire and uplift through heartfelt conversations and the power of positivity! Hosted by transformational life coach and hope dealer, Kimberly Houston, where we delve into personal growth, wellness, and the beauty of overcoming life's challenges.

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Speaker 1:

Hey friends, welcome back to another episode of the visionary catalyst podcast. I am so thrilled that you are here. It has been such an incredible, incredible week and I just wanted to hop on really, really quickly to have a very candid conversation with you about why we don't try and why we just do things right. It's feeling like a Nike slogan, but same difference. At the beginning of May, I made a decision when I was driving back home from Miami that I felt like I was really being pulled in another direction, that I was being called to do something else. I was struggling to make the money that I needed to make because my creativity wasn't doing what I needed to do for me, and that, for me, is a sign that perhaps it's time to move on to something else. Perhaps that thing that's been kind of gnawing at you, you know, maybe that is inspired action and we need to do something about it. And so when we drove to Miami at the beginning of the month, my daughter and I drove down. It was cute, it was fun, we got there. I wasn't really sure what to expect. If you know me in real life, you know I don't really do people on this level anymore, and so I knew I was going to stay in the house with a lot of my sugar friends and I just really did not know what to expect. And, needless to say, it was by far one of the most transformative experiences of my life and we had so much fun. It was incredible, but also number two.

Speaker 1:

It was during that trip that I was able to take the visionary catalyst podcast live, and the same way I talk to you all on the podcast is the exact same manner in which I was talking while we were on our retreat, and one of the things that people have to understand about me is that, like I don't turn this corner off. This is just who I am as a person, and I finally accepted that this is who I am as a person. For many years, I have been told that I was too much of one thing and not enough of another thing. I was told I needed to stay inside of my lane, stay in my box. You know, focus on being this way and not this way, and one of the things that I've realized over the last couple of years is that typically, when you have negative self, talk is not your voice, it's not you talking to yourself, it's typically somebody else who said something to you that you allow to penetrate your soul in a way that you now believe it as truth and in reality, it was just someone else's opinion.

Speaker 1:

We cannot cash opinions at the bank, and so, for me, I like to send back people their negative energy, and I do this very simply before I go to bed. I'm going to follow you, universe. I asked that all energy that does not belong to me is returned back to its cinder, and I am calling back in my energy for anyone who has taken it from me, and I say that a couple of times until I feel okay with it, and then I go on to sleep, because what I've come to understand is that other people's opinions are simply that. It's just an opinion, it's not fact, it doesn't, it doesn't define you, it can't categorize you. And when you go, when you live life right, when you live through things like loss, when you live through grief, when you live through divorce these are not things that we ever intentionally plan on going through, but sometimes it happens and when you live through the thing that you're like man, that would really break me and you don't break you actually just barely bend, you begin to see yourself in a very different light. And so this was the case in us taking this drive to Miami, and so, on the way back, my daughter was asleep for most of the ride because we left out really early and while I was just, you know, driving and listening to music and kind of meditating, you know, just looking at the road, one of the things that I was thinking about was, like you know what your voice is needed in the earth? Your, your heart is needed in the earth. I, my delivery, is my delivery. One of the things that I've come to understand is that every coach isn't for everybody. Every pastor can't shepherd every person. Every leader won't be followed by every person. But for those people who have been assigned to my voice, it would be a disservice to me and an injustice for them If I did not boldly say yes, I'm ready to move into the next phase of my life.

Speaker 1:

I started my photography business as a means to an end. I did not start it because I was in love with photography. I didn't start it because I wanted to make sure I could stay in the food industry. I started it because I needed to pay my bills, even when I went to culinary school 10 years ago. I went because it was something I was really good at. I went because it was something that I thought would allow me to spend more time with my children, and it did. It carried us for many, many years. It opened opportunity upon opportunity. It allowed me to make connections with people I would have otherwise never met. And when I was driving home, there's this thing in like the manifestation world called quantum leaping. And I felt the quantum leap on that drive home because I reconciled who I was prior to that trip versus who I was going to evolve into after the trip. We got back home on Friday and on Sunday I made a Facebook post that stated I think I might want to go back to school. I never make a post about something that's just a thought.

Speaker 1:

By Tuesday I was having a conversation with someone in the admissions department of a school. I had done my first interview. She was getting to know me and she was asking where I was on my journey and how exactly could the school partner with me in assuring me forward. She asked me if I was available two days later. I was like absolutely, and so two days later I spoke with the professor. She was very honest and very upfront and let me know that not only did he think that this program would be a good fit for me, but that it was something I could excel in. The next evening I logs on to a live for their school and listen to the founder, listen to what transformational leadership is. I listened to the, the clips from movies that he showed and I absolutely resonated with what was happening. That was just seven days post Miami. We are now three weeks out. Three weeks out I am. All of my stuff is completed to enroll in school. In July I was able to be obtaining a master's in transformational leadership and international coaching. I launched a group coaching program over the weekend unintentionally, just kind of set it in the live that I was doing and I was like you know, I'm going to sit with it and I'll release this on Tuesday. But who get my DMs up immediately after it was over? I was like let me just throw up a link and see what happens and my mind has been blown.

Speaker 1:

Inspired action is what caused all of this. I sat in my car for half a day driving home from Miami from a trip where I intentionally made time to go to the water. I did the same thing last summer, where we went, to say, to the cabin and I had my door cracked so that I could hear the creek beneath us, listening to water centers me and my daughter and I went to the beach While everybody else we kind of had a break, everybody's doing their own thing. We went to the beach. I needed to go to the water, I needed my feet to be in the sand. I'm not really a nature person, but I felt called to the water. I was there in just breathing and breathing deeply, and that I knew it was time for me to make another pivot and do something different. And it's been inspired action ever since.

Speaker 1:

Inspired action only requires you to do two things Number one, you have to be obedient and just say yes, and then, number two, you have to take action. If I just sat on the thought that, oh, maybe I should be a coach, maybe that's something I could look into, I wouldn't be enrolling and I wouldn't be taking classes and I wouldn't be reading books and I wouldn't have a group coaching program right now, if I just thought about it I don't have time to think about it the life that I know I can be living in two years cannot happen if I don't take inspired action right now. So I did, and my mantra for the month has been we don't try, we do. Saying I'll try to do something, I'll try and make your event, that's you already giving space to say I'm not going to do it, that there is no like. You need to solidify what you're going to do and you need to stand firmly in it. The other piece to that I'll try part is that number one is rooted in fear, because you're not sure if you're going to fail or succeed. People are afraid of success, just like they're afraid of failure. Regardless, you still don't start over from scratch. You start over with the knowledge that you've learned. When I launched a product in 2020, I had a $0 launch. When I casually announced my coaching program on Friday night, I had four people register within 48 hours. If I had allowed my previous experience of launching something new to define me now, I would not have the coaching program, nor, with the people who have invested in themselves, be getting ready to go through a transformative experience.

Speaker 1:

My voice is much softer than it normally is when I'm doing a podcast, and the reason for that is because I have been pouring into people for days. I have literally been pouring into other people for days and I am absolutely content with where I am in life. It brings me joy to bring transformation to other people and I knew that in this moment, in this feeling of joy, calm, peacefulness, I knew this was the moment I needed to take to do this podcast, because a lot of us think that inspired action comes from you know, the thunder going off, there's lightning, the heavens are going to open and God is going to tell you to do something. That's not at all what happens. It's the wind in your face, it's the aha moment. It's seeing a bluebird fly by. It's seeing the butterfly land on your fingertip. It's seeing a rainbow or a double rainbow after a storm.

Speaker 1:

It's the little things that are out of the ordinary, that are part of our everyday lives, that we don't necessarily pay attention to, that are giving us the okay. It's in meeting the stranger who says something to you, not knowing that you have the exact connection that can complete the puzzle that they've been working on and they've been going back and forth, back and forth, trying to figure out how do I move to the next level If you are not ready and available to be a vessel and to be able to walk in purpose, then you denying your yes is holding up the salvation of other people. Me personally, I don't want that on my back, and so, for me, I do the things that make me feel good. I don't do things I don't want to do. I don't have conversation with people I don't want to have conversation with. I don't go to places I don't want to be. I do not feel like I am obligated to be in places where I know people don't want me there. You have to understand that for many, many years, a lot of us were taught People just suck it up and bear it. I'm over that. I've been delivered from that.

Speaker 1:

And the piece that is on the other side of only doing the things that feel absolutely aligned with my purpose on this earth. You cannot put a cost on that. I would encourage you to take the time and really pay attention. Your, your body will tell you whether or not you should be somewhere, whether or not you should make a decision. Your intuition will tell you. You just have to trust it. And yes, it's a muscle. It's something you have to work on the more that you learn to listen to yourself, the faster this will happen for you. I can very quickly feel the energy in a room when I walk in it and I know immediately if I should be there or not.

Speaker 1:

I also have been in spaces where I felt like I wanted to vomit as soon as I got there, but I stayed anyway and at the end of the day I was like, damn, I really should have just went home. Y'all the way this world is set up, the way people are just trying to live their lives and somebody else walks in and ends it. The way there are babies and our elders are being taken out left and right by complete maniacs. We do not have time to be worried about the opinions of other people. If other people can't find something else to do aside from trying to make your life miserable, then what you need to look at them. What you need to do is look at them and say, beloved, I gotta go, cause this is not what I signed up for, and move on and go into the places and spaces that fuel your heart and feed your soul. We just don't have time for this, and so for me when I changed the name of the podcast back to the visionary catalyst, something that I had named it back in 2017, 2018, when I did the very first visionary catalyst live event.

Speaker 1:

I shut it down because I launched it in the wrong season. I didn't have the support system that I needed to launch it. I was pouring out so much of myself into other people that there was nothing filling me back up and I was empty. And I felt empty and I didn't know how to replenish myself. And now I do so.

Speaker 1:

Then a visionary catalyst 2.0 is here. It gives me the opportunity to pour into people on a continuous basis without feeling completely depleted. It gives me the opportunity to show people that there is another lifestyle that they could be living, to show people that I'm never going to preach to you about money. I'm only going to talk to you about manifesting the life that you want. Does living a life you want require money? It does. Do I understand that, in order to make money, you have to have inspired action and you have to do things that will make you money? Yes, but do I think that you should suffer in life in order to make money? No, I do not. You don't have to and you shouldn't.

Speaker 1:

I wrote a whole book on how to transition careers. Then I wrote an entire book on how to teach kids how to bake All of the things that I've ever done. When I release it into the earth, I know that it's going to be a mover and a shaker and it will affect thousands of people. I already know this before I release it. You are no different than I am. If you are listening to this podcast episode, I need you to understand that you are absolutely no different than I am. The only difference is that not only did I say yes to this assignment in this season, but I joyfully and willingly and wholeheartedly move forward every single morning in gratitude.

Speaker 1:

Everything that I do is laced in gratitude. When I walk on my treadmill, it is gratitude. When someone sends me a DM and says that I'm inspiring them, it is gratitude. When I sit down to my computer and I am editing photos or videos for clients, it is still all in gratitude. When I am sitting down and I'm working on chapters of a new book, it is still rooted in gratitude, because I understand the weight of the assignment and I know that this is not a life is happening to me. Why me type of thing? It really is. Why not me and why not you? Why can't you make a decision today To choose a new thought? Why can't you make a decision today To take every opportunity that is placeable for you and to try it? Well, coach, it might fail. Well, what if it doesn't? Or what if it does? What will happen? Let's walk through that.

Speaker 1:

If I had casually said I was going to launch a group coaching program and no one signed up for it, then what? Then? 89 other people still would have gotten the information they needed to get in order to move forward and make money and to continue to change their lives for the better. I still would have my digital content creation business that pays my bills. Like my life would not have ended. It just would have meant that either this was not the right audience or this was not the right season, that's all. But I did it and I casually mentioned it and people were immediately in my inbox like signed me up now. Like right now. Like I know you haven't launched this yet, I know you haven't told us what's happening, but I feel called to view. That's my assignment, guys being able to help those who want to work with me transform their lives. That's my assignment. How long is this assignment going to last? I don't know. The last time I really thought about being a coach, I'm like this will be the job I have for the rest of my life Coaching people, not just in business but in life, because it's a holistic experience.

Speaker 1:

You have the same opportunity. Your calling may not be coaching. Your calling may be something else. It may be to be a mover and shaker in the industry that you're in. And you need to do it, because the longer it takes you to do it, the longer that industry will suffer, the longer that industry will continue to go downhill until you make a decision to do what you've been called in this earth to do. It really is just that simple. And once you start moving in purpose when I tell you, everything you need will be made accessible. Every person you need to meet will be in your path. People who you have admired for years will say oh my God, thank you for doing this. I cannot wait to work with you. How can I help you push this agenda further?

Speaker 1:

I have been absolutely baffled over the last month at the people who now have my name in their phone, the people whose names are in my phone, and I'm just like how did we get here? We got here because I said yes, and that's all you have to do as well, is just say yes. We're not going to worry about where the money is coming from, we're not worrying about where the help is coming from. We're not doing any of that because if you don't say yes, the universe cannot open its doors and begin to pour out blessings. You first have to say yes.

Speaker 1:

So that is all I have for you guys on this beautiful Sunday, on this holiday weekend. Hope that you guys are staying safe. I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend. I am going to go lay down and rest and just bask in all of the beautifulness of what is happening in my life right now. If you want to reach out to me, definitely hit me up on social media at Chef Kimmy Hoop. Before I change that to Coach Kim, we're going to get there. Or you can hit me up on Instagram at the visionary catalyst. Until next time, stay sweet, my loves.

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