The Positive Voice

E59: VC Rewind: From Seeking Approval to Cultivating Abundant Connections

February 21, 2024 Coach Chef Kimberly Houston Episode 59

Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads, questioning whether to play it safe or trust your gut against well-meaning advice?  I take you along my journey of self-discovery, diving into how red flags and the allure of quick success taught me to discern genuine opportunities from those laced with ulterior motives. We tackle the tough realizations that come with chasing external validation and share a story of personal transformation that underscores the power of an abundance mindset. By rejecting scarcity in favor of a world of possibilities, I learned to value community over currency and found that the true measure of wealth is in the support we build around us.

For all the creative business owners out there, this episode unfolds an inspiring initiative tailored for you, aimed at propelling you into a productive last quarter. I'm thrilled to offer a sneak peek into this program designed to shift our collective mindset from scarcity to abundance—so if you're ready to commit and put in the work, stay tuned for more details in our next gathering. And don't miss out on the uplifting fellowship waiting for you in our Content for Creators Group on Facebook. Let's make these final weeks of the year count together, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and connection.

Welcome to The Positive Voice, a feel-good podcast designed to inspire and uplift through heartfelt conversations and the power of positivity! Hosted by transformational life coach and hope dealer, Kimberly Houston, where we delve into personal growth, wellness, and the beauty of overcoming life's challenges.

Join our creative and supportive community as we laugh, learn, and grow together on this life-changing journey. Subscribe to The Positive Voice and let's spread the joy, one conversation at a time!

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of the visionary catalyst podcast. I am your host, I am Kimberly, I niece. I am so, so excited that you guys have taken the time to listen to this podcast today and let me kind of give you a little bit of background of what's going on so you can see where we're going to go. Okay, so what many people don't know is that I am in school to be a transformational life coach and once a month we have like a learning weekend where we spend several hours online, like 10 hours a day on a Saturday and a Sunday once a month, and all levels of the program. So whether it's your first quarter, like it was with me, or it's your last quarter, like for a lot of people who are graduating in two weeks, we are all in like this one room schoolhouse and so the the newbies get to learn a lot from the people who have been voyaging through this program. We get to see how their lives have changed. We get to see how they've impacted other people, how other people have impacted them Right. So this weekend was that weekend for me and I wrote down so many topics that I was like I have got to discuss this on the podcast, because people need to know this information, and so there will be several podcast episodes following this one that are going to deal with mindset. They will deal with mindset and the brain, like, scientifically, what is happening when you focus on yourself versus focusing on other people, and I think that that is going to shock you. We're going to talk about curiosity and how curiosity should really be the fuel for your life, and so I have all these notes, right written, of things that I really wanted to talk about. But I was laying in bed and I was scrolling TikTok and this came across my for you page, and when I say, this thing grabs me by my throat, baby, the chokehold is real. Okay, so I'm scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, and the person says when it comes to, like your gifts, there are some things you need to understand. Have you been invited to have a seat at the table or have you invited to be on the menu? Y'all that that right there. That hit me in in levels that I was not prepared for. So let's talk about why this is important. We're going to relate this to red flags so that we can bring us everybody down on one level Same starting level. Here's where we're going to go. Red flags. There are red flags that happen in our lives, and so I'm going to take this from a business perspective with a personal experience.

Speaker 1:

So three years ago, I personally was having a rough time in my life and made the decision that if I had more money, if my professional life was better, I could fix my personal life. And so I started this journey of joining another business. I knew that my own plans were superb, they were stellar, they would make me money, but I started chasing the quicker version. I wanted the microwavable meal and not the slow cook meal. Okay, so as I'm chasing this microwavable business, there were red flags all along. The people who I was looking to be in community with literally made the statement to me that it was in their best interest to have me on their team as opposed to having me as someone they would have to go up against later in life. Now, that can sound like a compliment. Let's look at what that really means. You're a threat to my business, and so, since you are out here searching for this microwavable success and you don't want to take the time yourself to go through the slow cooking process that we have had to go through for the past 20 years. I'm going to go ahead and make this microwavable success a thing for you without telling you that you're about to sacrifice yourself for it. Listen to me. I wasn't being invited to have a seat at the table. I was being invited to the table because I was on the menu. Okay, I wish I could go back three years and tell myself just don't do this now. That was the first red flag. Okay, the second red flag was how quickly they wanted to bring me on board. So I had left the place, made my way to the airport and before I even checked my bags to get on a plane, I already had a phone call from this company telling me how much they wanted to have me a part of their team. That should have also been a red flag, but in that moment, because I was seeking validation from outside forces, because my personal life was shit, I went with it and I thought this was the greatest thing ever.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so then I get back home and for some reason, the paperwork isn't moving. There's no rhyme or reason why it's not. It just doesn't make sense if the paperwork isn't moving the way it needs to move, and it had nothing to do with me. All my ducks were in a row, like microwave me, baby. I put everything in a microwave. I'm like, boom, I mashed the power button but there was nothing. So my dream is just sitting in a microwave that won't cook, okay. And so you know how, like if this is in real life and you go put something in your microwave and you mash the power button and nothing happens, you reset as many things as you can. When that doesn't happen, you call for reinforcement, you call for help, call somebody with more experience, and so that's what I did.

Speaker 1:

I called a business advisor and I was like what's going on? Like my ducks are in a row, what's happening? And he said to me well, I don't see a problem with your microwave, I don't see a problem with your business plan, all of your ducks are in a row. You have submitted all of the information, you have crossed every T and dotted every I. But over here on the other side, the people who were supposed to handle the paperwork, somebody quit, and when that person quit, I got moved to the bottom of a pile on somebody else's desk who was on vacation for three weeks. And so, by the time my application, by the time my paperwork decided to resurface.

Speaker 1:

That same business advisor says I can't give you a valid reason as to why things aren't moving the way they should be moving, and in my experience, when that type of thing happens, it's a really big red flag. You should not embark upon this particular thing. But remember, my personal life is shit, and the only way I can see myself out of this is that I have to make more money. And so I was like well, so this company presents another option, and when they present this other option to me, it was one of those. Well, we can't give you everything you asked for, but maybe if we just give you a little bit, it will sustain you and it'll help you get through the hump that you're in, but it also protects us from you. And because my personal life was not wonderful, I took it With the thought this is just a little bump in the road. It's just a little bump in the road. We can overcome this, it's fine, I can tell you.

Speaker 1:

Looking back on this three years ago, almost to the goddamn day, not only was it not a bump in the road, not only were the red flags there, not only were there bells and whistles and sirens going off telling me to run the opposite direction, but I took the job. I took the job. I excelled at the job. Of course I did. I excelled and it was wonderful, and let me tell you the final outcome of that I made. So the business that I was going to purchase was sold to someone else without my knowledge and because that person had money. That person did not have the influence nor the experience to make that business profitable, but I did, and so because I didn't have the money, this sounded like a partnership that would work out.

Speaker 1:

Here's the T Are you being invited to the table to have a seat, or are you being invited to the table to be on the menu? I was not being invited to the table to have a seat. It sounded like I was, though 30 days into this, not maybe six weeks, it took about. We were six or seven weeks into it. It was a Tuesday. I'll never forget it. I had gotten on a plane and flown back to see those people again that I saw over the summer. That told me it was in their best interest to have me as an employee, as a partner, in their company, as opposed to having to deal with me as competition. So I flew back out there and the gentleman who had purchased the business said to me just in random conversation you can't bullshitter, bullshitter. And it was in that moment that I understood not only did I not have a seat at the table, not only was I on the menu, but I was preparing myself to be eaten.

Speaker 1:

When we think about the decisions that we make in life, when we operate from a scarcity mindset because that's where I was the only thing that I knew was that I needed to make more money so that I could get out of the personal situation I was in, and the only way to make that better was I needed to do an overhaul of my professional life. And so not only was I served on the menu, I cooked myself, I prepared myself, I climbed up on the table, set on the plate, as all of these people around me were able to literally take me apart that I don't have regrets. I do not live my life with regrets. If I had to say I had any regrets, it would be that one season of my life. However, however, there is a silver lining to this. That particular situation taught me so many things. It taught me so much about myself. It taught me that money was not going to buy me happiness. I wasn't even looking for happiness when I took their job. I was operating from a place of lack and all I knew was that I needed to replace someone in my life in order to live the life I wanted.

Speaker 1:

When you operate from a scarcity mindset, you do not leave space for a growth mindset. If you met me three years ago, I promise you I am a completely different version of myself. She no longer exists. I honor and respect the season that I was in and the lessons that I was taught. We all have free will. I don't care what your spiritual or religious background is. We all have some sort of free will. We all have an opportunity to co-create our existence with the universe, your intuition, the ancestors, your angels, whatever you believe in, some higher power is in place to protect you. That's what red flags are. It's the intuition that you've been given from the universe to be like yo. This is not the path we should be on.

Speaker 1:

And, baby, I ignored every red flag Because the only thing I could think about was well, I don't have the money to bail myself out of this situation and so I have to sell a piece of myself and maybe, if I just sell a little bit of myself, I'll be able to buy it back later. Let me tell y'all something If you ever sell a piece of yourself to something or someone else with the expectation that you are going to be able to buy it back later, the price is not the same. And the price that you pay to attempt to regain control of that piece of yourself that you gave away while you were in lack mindset, it's going to cost you so much. It's going to cost you more than if you had just been like I ain't going to do this and let me find a different way. That's time I'll never get back. That's a contract that I had to sign, that was legally binding. That came back to bite me in my ass almost a year later. It's the fact that I had to go through so much hell and so much torment because remember I wasn't invited to the table to have a seat. I was invited to the table to make sure that company never had to come up against me as a competitor.

Speaker 1:

Listen, if I can tell you one lesson that I have learned in business, it is that people with a growth mindset, people that are visionaries, people that can see beyond right now, because all I saw three years ago was oh, it's just a little bump in the road. A visionary the business advisor that I called that was like you should run away from this and not look back. He didn't see a bump in the road, he saw a fork in the road. If I had taken his advice and gone down a completely different path, my life would be drastically different right now. I wholeheartedly believe that, because what I saw was a bump. He saw were two different paths and I went down a very different path than the one that I probably could have taken. That would have made my life a little bit easier.

Speaker 1:

But on the journey, as I tried to satisfy myself with a microwavable meal because I did not want to take the time to let it cook in the slow cooker, baby, I sat in that slow cooker for two and a half years. For two and a half years, I had to slowly simmer. I had to slowly change. I had to go from being individual ingredients in a crockpot to becoming a meal that has been prepared with love, to becoming a meal that is satisfying to those who I've allowed in my life. It's such a different way of living, it's such a different perspective to have that a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset.

Speaker 1:

Fixed mindset People make excuses about things. Right, I never made any excuses about it. I was just acting from a lack mindset versus abundance, right? And I talk about abundance mindset on this podcast and I'm going to talk more about it. And the reason I'm going to talk more about it is because I know what it feels like to live from a place of lack. I know what it feels like, where everything that I say has some negative connotation behind it. Like, well, I can't vacation because I can't afford it. No, I couldn't vacation because I didn't make it a priority, right, I can say that now, looking back on it, now that I can afford it, I can say that, looking back on it, and be like, well, I could have just chosen a new thought, could I? I was operating from a place of lack, and the only thing you can operate from is a place of lack versus an abundance mindset. Let me give you an example of how these two things play out in my life right now.

Speaker 1:

I went out last night. Today is Sunday. For those of you who are listening to this. Today is Sunday. I went out last night first time, and I don't know how long I went out to a birthday party and I was like I don't have enough money to do this. My truck is in the shop. It cut off two weeks ago and so it's in the shop currently and they don't know what's wrong with it. Go figure, they don't know what's wrong with my vehicle, just like that microwavable life I was trying to create and I couldn't turn the microwave on. Okay, same thing with my truck. And so I was like, alright, these are the people that I'm going to be with at this party are my community. They are people who encourage me, who support me, who are also on this same mindset journey. They all have a growth mindset, not a fixed one.

Speaker 1:

And I was like, no, I need to go be a community with these people. And so I pressed my way. I borrowed a car. I had the gift already and I literally went to this event like I don't know what's going to happen. I don't really have any money. I had $24 in a bank when I went. My food that I ate was literally only $15. So I paid 20. That included my tip, and then, as we went from place to place, other people gave me stuff and somebody bought me a drink at this spot, somebody got me popcorn at this spot, somebody got me something at this spot, somebody got me something at that spot.

Speaker 1:

I was around people who believe in abundance. I never said to any person I do not, I cannot afford to be here, because that's not the energy that I was going to this event with. The only energy that I was walking into this event with was Kimberly 2.0 is abundant. Kimberly 2.0 understands that money isn't everything. Kimberly 2.0 knew that her presence was priceless for the person who invited her three months ago, and so I went and had the most incredible time and did not feel lack at any point of the evening. It was one of the most wonderful things I have done for myself, and I don't know how long, and it's because I did not allow what could be considered as lack in the eyes of other people to take over my life. I went with an abundance mindset. My presence is worth more than me having a bank account full of money, right.

Speaker 1:

And so when we move with what? As we're dealing with mindfulness and we're dealing with mindset, and we're talking about having a growth mindset where you look at the big picture. You do not allow yourself to become involved in the drama triangle. You do not allow yourself to become a victim of your circumstances. You do not allow yourself to become reactionary to things when they don't go your way. Those are not things that we do with the growth mindset. With the growth mindset, you come up with ways to fix your problems. You have the opportunity to see things differently. You literally will say Universe, please help me to see this differently. And then you take whatever inspired action comes from it. Right, and it changes so many things in your life. It just does.

Speaker 1:

For the past two years, I have had to be in the lab working on having a growth mindset, on working with applying pressure to fully embodying abundance in my life. Even when I don't have it, I still speak as though I do. Even when I don't have it, I still act as though I do. Even when I don't have it, I am not consumed by the lack mindset of I don't have it. I immediately flip into an abundance mindset and I asked the universe to show me how to see this differently. What things can I do to co-create the life that I want with the universe. That's how I operate in life, and so, as I'm journeying through this program, I am learning so much and, because I'm a brainiac, you can see all the books behind me if you watch this on YouTube.

Speaker 1:

I love to read, I am a person who loves knowledge and constantly seeking it out, and so I always want to learn, and now that I'm learning about the neuroscience behind mindfulness, the neuroscience behind manifestation this is not something that's abstract and just out here in the world Like this is real, like your brain does things based on how you are acting. Your brain fires off things when you work from a lack mindset, and your brain fires off things in a completely different area when you live in an abundance mindset. Your brain is involved in manifesting the life that you want. And as we move through the next couple of months, I am going to share so many things about the science behind manifestation, the science behind changing your mindset, because for some people, this feels like an existential thing where it's like nope, this is too woo woo for me and it's not gonna happen. It's not, it's science. You can literally change your life by changing your thoughts.

Speaker 1:

And so, after I was sitting there and came across this TikTok, I was like, oh, how many people have been invited to have a seat at the table or have found themselves being invited to the table to be on the menu If you just really start thinking about where they are, where you lack rapport with people, where there is some discourse with other people all the time, but they keep inviting you. They be there inviting you because you're on the menu, not because you have a seat at the table, and so that's something we're gonna have to journey through, because that's real life that there are absolutely people who invite you to be on the menu. And then, when you operate from a lack mindset, not only are you on the menu, you're preparing a main course. It was heavy for me. If it was heavy for you, let me know, hit me up, talk to me online. You can find me on Instagram. It's.

Speaker 1:

I am Kimberly Inease. You can visit the website, kimberleyineasecom. There are going to be some new things added to the website coming soon. I'm so excited when. It's gonna help you work through having a growth mindset. It's gonna help you walk through mindfulness. It's gonna help you walk through choosing a new thought and understanding the ways in which you can change your life literally by choosing a new thought.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to give you some tangible things that you can do. There are gonna be some challenges that are coming up that we're gonna do, and later in the week I will announce something for Q4 that I want to do with creative business owners. I don't care what your business is, I don't care if you're a chef, if you're a photographer, I don't really care. Anyone who is a creative business owner, who works for themself and needs some accountability and some support throughout Q4 so that you can fully start doing the work. This is not a bird course. I don't operate like that. This will be work, and so if you are interested in doing the work, if you are interested in understanding that manifesting the life you want is absolutely possible, regardless to your background, regardless to what your bank account says, you can still do this. I want you to stay tuned.

Speaker 1:

On the next podcast episode, I will release the details of what is coming for Q4. And I'm just I'm gonna open it up. It's gonna close on September 30th and we are going to make the last 12 weeks of this year something really, really special, and so I would love to invite you to listen to the next episode. I would love to invite you to join me in my content for Creators Group on Facebook I have linked that below and just come. Come and be in fellowship, come and be in community with like-minded people who want to move from lack, to move from scarcity into abundance, and we're gonna do that together in Q4. Until next time, stay sweet, my loves.

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