The Positive Voice: Empowering Women in Business
Welcome to The Positive Voice, a podcast designed for women entrepreneurs who feel stuck and want more from their businesses and lives. Hosted by Coach-Chef Kimberly Houston, a retired chef turned mindset and empowerment coach, inspirational speaker, and homeschool mom of two young adults, this show is for the go-getters ready to break through limiting beliefs and embrace their full potential.
Each episode dives deep into positive mindset strategies, emotional intelligence, and actionable steps to help you thrive in business without sacrificing what matters most. Whether you're navigating entrepreneurship as a minority woman or simply looking to elevate your life, you'll find tools, inspiration, and real-life stories to empower you to take charge and design a fulfilling future.
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The Positive Voice: Empowering Women in Business
E68: Unlocking High-Frequency Living
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Are you tired of feeling stuck and wondering why your life doesn't reflect your true aspirations? Get ready to unlock the mysteries of energetic frequency and learn how to transition from a victim mindset to one of empowerment and personal accountability. In our latest Positive Voice Podcast episode, I, Coach Chef Kim, guide you through the subtle ways a low-frequency state can sabotage your potential and reveal actionable strategies to elevate your energy to match your highest aspirations. Whether you're facing systemic challenges or personal roadblocks, this episode is a beacon for those ready to shift from wallowing in self-pity to seeking solutions with obsessive precision.
We don't just talk about transformation; we embody it. Join us as we dissect self-sabotaging attitudes and anxiety that hold you back, and how to move beyond them to achieve your dreams. Discover my personal block scheduling technique that's been a game-changer in aligning my daily actions with my goals. This isn't just a pep talk—it's a roadmap to a higher energetic frequency. By understanding the signs of low vibration and actively implementing systems to counteract them, you'll be on your way to manifesting the high-frequency life you're meant to live. Tune in and feel the shift within as we journey together toward a life of solution-focused action and manifesting our dreams.
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Hey friends, welcome to another episode of the Positive Voice Podcast. I am your host, coach Chef Kim, and I am so honored, so grateful, so blessed that you have decided to tune in today. So we're going to jump right into this one today, because it is something that continues to be a topic of conversation. When I am doing one-on-one coaching calls or when I'm doing group coaching or just meeting people out in the streets, I get asked this a lot, and I want to preface this by stating your life is a direct reflection of your energetic frequency. So what does that mean?
Speaker 1:There are a lot of people who prefer to live their lives in victim mode. A lot of people will never admit it. They will never take the personal accountability to say that they are 100% living in a victim mode, because that doesn't serve you if you admit to it. So what I want to help you do is identify when you have fallen into the trap of the victim mindset. When you have fallen into the trap of the victim mindset, when you constantly blame other people, blame society, blame the patriarchy, blame existential crises, or you blame things that are beyond your control for why you cannot respond in a better way to outside stimuli, you are living in victim mindset. Now we all, collectively, as humans, do this right. So think about it this way the cost of living in America is absolutely outrageous. It does not make sense how much money it costs to live here, particularly when companies are not paying enough money for families to just live Right. When the system is set up against you, when you're raised in a society where systems are in place to hold certain populations of people back, while we know that is a thing, it's not a good enough reason not to try right. One of the things that I want for us to really sit with and think about is how you feel about yourself, about your life, about the things that you are accomplishing or not, how you feel in your body, the energy that flows within you as well as out of you. That energy directly correlates to the things that you are manifesting, whether they're good or bad.
Speaker 1:So if you are on an energetic frequency that is low, meaning you always have excuses for why you haven't shown up for yourself, you have excuses for why you are not completing your dreams. You have excuses for why you can't get things done. If you are constantly allowing things to stop you from even starting, your frequency is lower. How do you know when your frequency is low? There's a couple of ways. One your attitude sucks Now. Whether that's your attitude towards yourself or your attitude towards other people, it's low. There's a couple of ways. One your attitude sucks Now, whether that's your attitude towards yourself or your attitude towards other people, it's low. It feels low vibrational. People do not want to hang out with you. People cancel on you left and right. You are constantly anxious, more anxious than usual.
Speaker 1:This is a frequency. This is a vibration that you are putting out into the universe. You overthink things, a lot, overthinking to the point of not being able to progress, not being able to move forward. If you were doing these things, that brings your frequency down In order to raise your frequency when you find yourself in these different types of situations, then that means you're actively seeking ways to put systems in place for yourself. There are.
Speaker 1:If you are neurodivergent and you have adhd or some other um thing and you are not actively seeking out ways to improve your life, you are not putting systems in place to make yourself better. I am now working on a block schedule because that's what I needed to do for myself. If you are not holding yourself accountable for making things happen and creating systems and researching systems, and becoming obsessive to find the things that work for you at this season in your life. If you don't want to raise your energetic vibration in order to find a solution and your only solution is to literally wallow in self-pity, then your energetic vibration is low. When your energetic vibration is low and you are trying to manifest things that are on a much higher frequency, it's never going to happen. The frequencies need to match the people who show up for themselves, the people who show up for others, the people who show up with gladness in their heart, the people who show up determined, the people who show up with creativity and imagination and a willingness to learn, the people who show up and literally just want to absorb the goodness of the world. Those people are rewarded. Those who complain, those who have the rain cloud walking above them at all times, those who are always waiting for the other shoe to drop, those who are constantly battling thoughts not even people thoughts in their mind, but refuse to seek professional help, refuse to go to therapy, refuse to find a way. Even if you have no insurance, there are still ways for you to have therapy. There are schools that have students who need to be monitored while they are administering therapy sessions, and you can be a part of those programs.
Speaker 1:If you are not pulling up a Google search and actively looking for ways to help yourself out of the rut you are in, you will continue to operate at a lower frequency. The lower your frequency, the less you are manifesting, at least on the positive side. If you are in a low vibration, you're going to attract low vibrational things and low vibrational people. Easy example If you realize that every time you're in a relationship, you keep repeating the same patterns over and over again different persons, same patterns uh, sweetie, you only attract what's on your vibration. Yes, you may want a better partner. Yes, you may want someone who supports you and will be there for you and things of the sort. But if you don't love you, if you don't work on you, if you don't set time aside for yourself, if you do not believe in your own self-care, then why would somebody else? Nobody else wants to come in and fix you. No one wants to have to come in and build you back together. You should want to enter a relationship whole and in turn also be with someone who has done their own work, and they are also whole People who operate on a higher energetic frequency, understand that they cannot consume just anything.
Speaker 1:They don't just watch any type of tv show, they don't just spend six hours watching netflix just because, uh, they don't just read anything. They are constantly feeding their mind, feeding their soul, feeding their spirit, nourishing themselves in whatever ways are going to be fulfilling, whatever ways are going to help advance them to moving to their next level of success. The only way to do that is to be able to feel what your energetic frequency is. And if the question you have now is well, how do I know? How do you feel Literally, how do you feel in this moment? Are you fearful, are you hurt, are you angry, are you sad? Do you have joy? How do you feel right now?
Speaker 1:It is important for us to be able to have the language to articulate our feelings, not just saying things in a general sense, like things never work out for me. Well, that's a lie. I'm 100 positive that at least one point in your life, something has worked out for you. So stop lying to yourself and stop lying to others, for pity. If you look for the good, the good will happen. If you continuously speak death into your life, then things will continue to die around you. Your hopes, your dreams, your finances will continue to die. And what you have to understand is that you are in control of this. You are. It is your responsibility to show up for yourself in ways that you've never shown up for yourself before. We are evolving into people we have never been, and because we are evolving into people we have never been, we are preparing ourselves for experiences that we have no frame of reference to be able to navigate. And if you do not understand yourself, if you cannot put language to how you are feeling, if you cannot articulate to another person that you are angry, that you are hurt, that you are sad, that you are fearful whether that is of success or failure if you cannot, don't speak that, then we have a problem.
Speaker 1:When someone asks me how are you? Or if they ask you what's wrong maybe that's a better one what's wrong? I don't know. Yes, you do. You 100% know what's wrong? And if you don't know, if you cannot answer that question, then this is the question I have for you how long have you not known how you felt? When did you abandon yourself? How long have you been disconnected from yourself? Because you are your first best friend. You are the only person you will spend 100% of your time with, for 100% of the time you are on the face of this earth. And what I need you to understand is the relationship with self is the most important relationship you will ever have, and you need to cultivate it and nurture it. So, if you don't know how you feel, if you don't know what's wrong, feel If you don't know what's wrong, when did you lose sight of yourself?
Speaker 1:When did you disconnect from yourself? It's now time for you to spend time with yourself. You need to take yourself on dates with yourself. You need to take yourself on dates. You need to love yourself. You need to sit with yourself in the mirror. You need to say, hey girl, hey God. Listen, the life that we live in right now, this is not what we were destined for and we deserve so much more. And you need to literally sit down and think about what it is that you want, what are your heart's desires, and think about what it is that you want, what are your heart's desires, and once you figure that out, then you begin to allow yourself to sit in the fullness of why you have not achieved those things.
Speaker 1:What are you avoiding healing? What are you doing to avoid your healing? What habits have you adopted that are helping you ignore the fact that you should be on a healing journey right now? Are you going on multiple dates? Are you sleeping with multiple people? Do you binge watch Netflix all day long? Have you decided to make up excuses and start chasing money? Are you trying to operate a business you don't actually even want? Are you reaching for things that you know are so far out of your reach because you do not have the proper skill sets in order to do it?
Speaker 1:Why are you not achieving your goals? Why are you not operating at the energetic frequency that you know you need to be operating at in order to manifest the life of your dreams? Why? You are the only person who can answer that. I hate to break it to you, but you can't go asking mama or your daddy or your best friend. You have to face you in the mirror and you have to ask yourself why am I not showing up for myself in the way that I would show up for other people? That's a question you have to sit with and that's a question you need to ask yourself, and I just need you to remember your life is a direct reflection of your energetic frequency.
Speaker 1:So, if you want more, be more. If you want more, become more. If you want more, learn more. That's your job. It's your responsibility to show up for yourself in ways that you never have, in order to have the life that you want. If you already had all the tools, the techniques, the skills, the mindset in order to have that life that you are dreaming of, guess what? You'd have the life. But since you don't, that lets me know. There's some work to be done, and that's okay. So let's take a deep breath together. And now I want you to make a promise to yourself. I want you to say out loud I am worthy of having the things that my heart desires. I am committed to making the necessary changes in order for me to be able to manifest the life of my dreams. Now give yourself a big old hug. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Positive Voice Podcast and until next time, stay sweet friends.